This song was on every mix tape I made in the 80s and 90s. I vividly remember when they performed at the MTV Awards in 1984 (their first USA TV appearance, I think?) and Lennox peformed in Elvis drag. I was stunned and delighted.


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Yes! I remember that now. A big deal in my Elvis Orthodox home.

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Elvis Orthodox! My mom belonged to that faith.

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It really is the best song ever. I still remember the first time I heard it, probably age 7 or 8, my tiny little mind was blown

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It's one of those turning point songs, like a vision of another world

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Love this article from start to finish! Annie is also on my list to write about because of this exact moment. This video blew me away as a young "tomboy" of a kid. It was liberating to see a woman in a power suit owning her own sense of masculinity and demanding to be seen as an equal. Thank you for sharing this insightful walk down memory lane!

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You're welcome! Keep up the good work.

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Thank YOU, Scott. I appreciate that past recollection. In some ways I never felt like a great "manager " either. But the last minute fill in urgency exactly encapsulates what we were doing back then: we loved the radio station so much we couldn't stand to see it go off the air for one second. Thank heaven for the grease trucks; listeners; scorpion births (footnote please), Herb Sudzin; and you!

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Hopefully that was Sunrise, much better gyros than Mr. C's.

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Of course!

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